Mar 1Liked by Amy Letter

Love this, and you!

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I love what you wrote here and I'm not an Amy. Words can work wherever they're written and education counts no matter where it's gained.

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Many wise gems in here, Amy. So often I become paralyzed by defeatist thinking to the tune of "I need an MFA, a big 5 publishing contract, a viral social media presence, etc" if I'm ever going to be SEEN as a writer. But in truth, I am seen (and heard and read) already, by people who actually matter and make a difference in my life every day.

My college education didn't do much for me career wise. I studied theater because I loved it and I truly believe it helped make me the storyteller I am today. Did I make it to Broadway or Hollywood and become a superstar? Nope. But who the hell does??? Next to no one! As I mention in my podcast interview with J.E. Petersen (going to post tomorrow), I feel that the narratives around alternative roads to "success" are missing for me. I really want to hear from more people who worked as hard as they could, still didn't reach the "TOP," and are happy with their lives anyway. As I said in the interview, I may need to write those stories myself if I want to hear them. 😊 Or I can read them here with you. 💜

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Mar 2Liked by Amy Letter

The "brands flashing before you" are actually implanted into the hearts, minds and bodies from a very early age, and continuously from then on. It could be said that this all-pervasive phenomenon is the invisible "ocean" in which we are unconsciously trapped.

Two books (among many) which describe how the process works. Both point out that even toddlers recognize hundreds of well known brand name Logos

This Little Kiddy went to Market by Sharon Beder

Buy Baby Buy by Susan Gregory

Four books (among many) which describe the situation

The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard

Captains of Consciousness by Stuart Ewen

No Logo by Naomi Klein

Amusing Ourselves To Death by Neil Postman

I shop therefore I Am.

My "identity" is very much defined by the Logos implanted in my sub-consciousness.

All of which leads to the statements made by certain right-wing politicians in response to threats to US hegemony

The (unlimited consumerism) of the American Way of Life is not-negotiable George Schultz

George W Bush urging people to go shopping as "revenge" for Sept 11.

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Mar 1Liked by Amy Letter

So many college "students" today are really looking for a trade school, not an education. We don't need everyone to go to college, just those seeking a (traditional) college education. For those who want to learn a trade and make connections in their chosen field, we should expand the supply of trade schools. Perhaps Harvard could rebrand itself as The Harvard Institute of Maximizing Algorithmic Profit, for example. All the Doras could go to Harvard and their ilk and the intellectualy curious could mix amongst each other at the leftover true liberal arts colleges (while they still exist).

I love all of the ideas you bring up in this post, but the idea that college should be a career training ground for all rather than an educational opportunity for those who chose to expand their minds and connections to a thoughtful community has bothered me for a long time.

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